Tool systems with internal cooling have been gaining ground for several years now and make modern metalworking even more efficient. In order to transport the lubricant through the narrow bore holes directly to the cutting edge, the use of high-pressure pumps and distribution systems is necessary. The screw connections on these distributors within the machine are often located in very confined spaces.
Small and permanently installed copper pipes transport the lubricant to the tool holder.
In order to change the tool or the cutting insert, the tool holder used to have to be laboriously removed from the distribution system.
With the HEB MiniPlug system, a high pressure quick coupling system is now available for small lathes and helps to reduce machine downtime during tool change to a minimum.
- Suitable up to 200 bar
- Made of stainless steel
- High-quality flexible braid hoses
- Contains different thread adaptors
- suitable distribution blocks and system accessories
Example of use on Star SR20R Mainspindle Example of use on Star SR20R backside
You can order this tool by mail, by phone or directly in our Online Shop.